
Hi, friends! I’m Brianna – the coffee-fueled wife, mama, farmer, enneagram nerd and serial organizer behind The Tidy Heart.

This business is more than #organizing or #tidying. It’s about heart-lead service – helping my clients find peace in their hearts, minds and homes through the work of functional organization.

This is a call of my own heart.

I want to serve others while giving them a safe space to navigate all the feelings, triggers and emotions that comes with processing and releasing the physical “stuff” that’s holding us back.

It’s more than Pinterest-worthy photos. It’s deep, powerful and heartfelt work.

What’s in a Name?

Well, a lot actually. As a marketing nerd by day, crafting a brand for this heart-driven work brought to life more than one passion. Naming, visual identity, mission, values, messaging pillars – I am loving every step!

Heart: The home is the heart of your family. It’s where you bring your babies home, where you snuggle up on sick days and where you celebrate milestones. It’s the physical base for a family – protective, welcoming and safe. Keeping our homes and hearts healthy through functional organization is therapeutic.

And for me, this is heart-called work. I truly love serving others and giving them time, peace and contentment through our work together.

Tidy: As I think about the word tidy, I lean into the calm tidying can bring. I’ve noticed in my own life that when I’m in a space of chaos and clutter (hello, #momlife), my anxiety rises and I feel overwhelmed. The act of tidying should be simple, easy and a breath of fresh air. It brings a space – as well as my mind and heart – to a place of calm and peace.